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  • 04-Mar-2024, 10:58
  • 2 377 views

Calibrated headphones

Experience how sound was meant to be
Headphones frequency responses vary considerably, causing undesirable coloration and making it difficult to create mixes that translate well to other devices. Morphit modifies the audio for your headphones to sound like a neutral, 'studio reference' headphones so you can make your mixing decisions quickly and confidently. Moreover, Morphit is the only headphones correction tool available today that can simulate any of its supported headphones. Last but not least, and in contrast to other correction tools, Morphit corrects for magnitude and phase of your cans.

Key features

Wide headphones support
Over 528 models, with frequent updates
Correction amount
Change the amount of correction on the fly
Public target curves
Use the Harman or our own target curve
Simulation mode
Listen how your mix translates to other cans
Personalize your sound
Using the integrated equalizer
Highest precision
We use ISO/IEC/ITU compliant measurement techniques

How To Install Free Morphit?

  • -Click the "Download" button
  • -Unpack the archive
  • -Run the "Morphit.exe"
  • -Enjoy free software

If this doesn't work, disable antivirus or Windows Defender and run the application again.
